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Vol.62, No.3, 204 ~ 212, 2024
Identification of Solvent Extraction of Au(III) by Cyanex 272 from Hydrochloric Acid Solutions
Thi Nhan Hau Nguyen , 이만승 Man Seung Lee
Bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl)phosphinic acid (Cyanex 272) is known to selectively extract Au(III) from dilute to concentrated hydrochloric acid solutions. Therefore, Cyanex 272 can be employed in the separation of Au(III) from the hydrochloric acid leaching solutions of secondary resources containing gold metal. This work identified the extraction reaction of Au(III) by Cyanex 272 from the hydrochloric acid solutions. Au(III) extraction data was obtained by varying the concentrations of HCl (1-9 M), Au(III) (0.1-1 g/L) and Cyanex 272 (0.01-0.1 M). Among the three variables, it was found that HCl concentration had the most pronounced effect on the extraction of Au(III), which increased with HCl concentration. The extraction reaction of Au(III) by Cyanex 272 is proposed by applying slope analysis method to the extraction data. Comparison of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy results for the fresh and loaded Cyanex 272 revealed no change in the chemical structure of Cyanex 272 after the extraction. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic data showed a change in the characteristic peaks of the phosphorus atom of Cyanex 272, indicating the formation of a coordinative bond between Au(III) and Cyanex 272. FT-IR and NMR data together with application of slope analysis clearly verified that molecular Cyanex 272 takes parts in the extraction of Au(III). (Received 25 October, 2023; Accepted 19 December, 2023)
Key Words
gold, hydrochloric acid, Cyanex 272, FT-IR spectra, NMR spectra
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