
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.60, No.11, 801 ~ 811, 2022
Comparative Analysis of Microstructure and Collision Performance of TWB Hot Stamped Parts with Various Strength Combinations
이창욱 Chang Wook Lee , 황연정 Yeonjung Hwang , 허욱 Uk Heo , 유병길 Byung Gil Yoo , 유지홍 Ji Hong Yoo , 김태정 Taejeong Kim , 윤광민 Kwang Min Yoon
Hot stamping technology has been steadily developed because it provides both excellent formability and high strength. With the development of TWB hot stamping technology, it is now possible to freely apply the required strength and thickness in the right place. In this study, the microstructure and collision performance of TWB hot stamped parts were evaluated according to their combined strength. Through dilatometry analysis, the hot stamping heat treatment temperatures of 22MnB5 steel and 30MnB5 steel were set at 950 ℃ and 870 ℃. The 5MnB8 steel was composed of Bainite + Martensite when heat-treated at 950℃ and provided a strength of 980 MPa grade. When heat-treated at 870 ℃, it was composed of Ferrite + Bainite + Martensite and provided a strength of 780 MPa grade. Simulated rear impact testing showed the 30MnB5- 5MnB8 TWB combination had the best performance, because the 5MnB8 part of the 780 MPa grade absorbed enough energy and the 30MnB5 part of the 1.8 GPa grade fully served as an anti-intrusion. (Received 2 June, 2022; Accepted 29 August, 2022)
Key Words
hot stamping, Tailor Welded Blank, TWB, Al-10 % Si coating, rear impact test, 30MnB5
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