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Vol.57, No.10, 632 ~ 641, 2019
Evolution of Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of 5052 Aluminum Alloys with Variation of Rolling and Annealing Temperatures
강의구 Ui Gu Kang , 남원종 Won Jong Nam
The microstructural evolution and corresponding mechanical properties of 5052 Al alloys with different deformation temperatures and post-deformation annealing conditions were investigated. The warmrolled alloy showed higher strength and elongation than the cold-rolled and cryo-rolled alloys. The improved strength and ductility of warm rolled alloys is attributed to the formation of fine precipitates and a higher degree of recovery during rolling. The formation of precipitates and the occurrence of dynamic recovery during the warm-rolling process were confirmed by the absence of the first two peaks in DSC curves of warm-rolled alloys. In particular, it was found that the application of cryo-rolling combined with warm-rolling at 448K increased tensile strength and yield strength without a decrease of ductility. This notable increase of strength is attributed to the increased dislocation density during cryo-rolling and the subsequent formation of fine precipitates at dislocations during warm-rolling. The contribution of fine precipitates and fully recovered microstructures, during cryo-rolling, warm-rolling, and subsequent annealing enhances the effective combination of strength and elongation. The ultra-fine grained 5052 Al alloy with high strength (405 MPa) and ductility (11.4% elongation) could be achieved by a combination of cryo-rolling with warm-rolling (448 K) and subsequent static annealing at 448 K. (Received August 12, 2019; Accepted August 29, 2019)
Key Words
cryo-rolling, warm-rolling, 5052 Al alloys, annealing
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