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Vol.57, No.5, 289 ~ 295, 2019
Characterization of Viscoelastic Behavior of Poly(dimethylsiloxane) by Nanoindentation
Jong-hyoung Kim , Jinwoo Lee , Woojoo Kim , Jongheon Kim , Seung-kyun Kang , Dongil Kwon
In this study, we characterize the viscoelastic behavior of polymers using nanoindentation. We applied the indentation representative stress approach and elastic solution to the Maxwell model and determined that there was a linear relationship between the inverses of the initial unloading stiffness and indentation unloading rate. From nanoindentation tests with various unloading rates on poly(dimethylsiloxane), the linear relationship between the indentation unloading rate and the initial unloading stiffness was confirmed. We have suggested two parameters such as, elastic coefficient and viscous coefficient, represent the viscosity and elasticity of the polymer material based on their relation. In order to check the dependency of the elastic and viscous coefficients on mechanical properties, we performed nanoindentation on poly(dimethylsiloxane) with different crosslinking densities by mixing different proportions of curing agent. The viscosity and elasticity depend on the crosslinking density of polymer, and it was confirmed that the elastic coefficient and viscous coefficient obtained from nanoindentation varied with the same trend depending on crosslinking density. (Received November 14, 2018; Accepted March 27, 2019)
Key Words
nanoindentation, viscoelasticity, PDMS, crosslinked polymer, Maxwell model
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