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Vol.57, No.1, 18 ~ 28, 2019
Comparison Between Multi-Axial Forging and Multi-Axial Diagonal Forging of AA1100 Using Finite Element Analysis
정효태 Hyo-tae Jeong , 김민성 Minseong Kim , 권상철 Sangchul Kwon , 김순태 Suntae Kim , 이성 Seong Lee , 최시훈 Shi-hoon Choi
The effect that forging routes (3 routes, A-C) exert on the development of deformation heterogeneity in AA1100 was theoretically performed using finite element analysis. Route A corresponded to a forging process that involved from 1 to 6 passes through multi-axial diagonal forging (MADF); Route B corresponded to a forging process that involved from 1 to 12 passes through the MADF; and, Route C corresponded to a conventional multi-axial forging process in which the operations from 1 to 6 passes of the MADF were simply repeated twice. From the aspect of strain uniformity developed on AA1100, Route B, which combined forging operations to the direction perpendicular to the face of the workpiece and forging operations to the diagonal direction of the face of the workpiece, was relatively advantageous compared with Routes A and C that only involved forging operations to the direction perpendicular to the face of the workpiece. Routes A and C showed a tendency toward regions where both the low and the high effective strains were restricted to specific regions of the workpiece. The low and high effective strains created by Route B, on the other hand, tended to be distributed over various regions of the workpiece. (Received October 1, 2018; Accpeted November 2, 2018)
Key Words
AA1100, forging, effective strain, multi-axial diagonal, finite element analysis
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