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Vol.56, No.4, 253 ~ 265, 2018
How to Utilize Computational Materials Science in the Metals and Materials Community - An Overview
이병주 Byeong-joo Lee
Computational approaches such as first-principles calculations, atomistic simulations, phase field simulations, computational thermodynamics and finite element method simulations are widely used in the metals and materials community. Even with their successful applications for better understanding of material phenomena, and the design of new materials or processes, a gap remains between the results of computational approaches and experimental data. This gap originates with differences in the computational and experimental conditions, and limits the wider application of computational approaches. In this review article, some successful examples of computational materials and process design are outlined, focusing on ways to utilize the results of computational approaches. It will be emphasized that it is more important to clarify the governing mechanism of materials phenomena from the effects of individual experimental variables on simulation results rather than make an effort to obtain good agreement between simulations and experiments with phenomenological issues. It will be also emphasized that research efforts to extend the applicability of the computational approaches are continuously required.
Key Words
computational materials science, alloy and process design, atomistic simulation, computational, thermodynamics, phase field method
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