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Vol.55, No.10, 695 ~ 703, 2017
Hydrogen Embrittlement of Three High-Manganese Steels Tested by Different Hydrogen Charging Methods
이승용 Seung-yong Lee , 황병철 Byoungchul Hwang
In this study the hydrogen embrittlement characteristics of three high-manganese steels were tested using different hydrogen charging methods, and the results were compared with various Mn-containing steels. The results showed that the hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility of the high-manganese steels increased with increasing inherent strength because deformation mechanisms, such as deformation twinning, ε-martensite transformation, and shear- or micro-band formation, enhanced their sensitivity to hydrogen-induced cracking. The different hydrogen charging methods also affected their ability to achieve the critical hydrogen concentration needed for hydrogen-induced cracking under the stress fields of each microstructure. The relative reduction in ductility for different charging methods usually increased in the order of ex-situ electrochemically-charged, ex-situ high-pressure thermally-charged, and in-situ environment tensile testing, although it was somewhat dependent on the charging, testing and specimen conditions. Based on the results of the three high-manganese steels, it was found that the high-pressure thermally-charged steel specimens had higher relative reductions in ductility because a larger amount of hydrogen was uniformly injected into the steel specimens, which promoted hydrogen-induced cracking under smaller strain than that of the electrochemically-charged steel specimens. (Received May 18, 2017; Accepted June 20, 2017)
Key Words
high-manganese steel, hydrogen embrittlement, hydrogen charging method, relative ductility reduction
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