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Vol.55, No.1, 1 ~ 10, 2017
Effect of Configurational Entropy of Mixing on Thermophysical Properties in Single Phase FCC Solid Solutions with Multi-Principal Elements
이제인 Je In Lee , 오현석 Hyun Seok Oh , 김준혁 Jun Hyuk Kim , 박은수 Eun Soo Park
In the present study, we systematically investigated the effect of entropy of mixing (ΔSmix) on the mechanical and thermal properties of single phase FCC solid solutions with multi-principal elements. An increase in ΔSmix led to an increase in micro-hardness and a decrease in thermal conductivity (κ) due to severe lattice distortion. Furthermore, NiCoFeCrMn high-entropy alloy (HEA) exhibited the highest κ1e ratio of ~1.13, because with increasing ΔSmix the reduction in lattice thermal conductivity (κ1) was less than that of electron thermal conductivity (κe). In particular, a crossover in the properties` variation was noticeable at a specific ΔSmix of ~8.3±0.3 J/mol·K, which means the properties of single phase FCC solid solutions can be optimized by modulating ΔSmix. The results can provide a guideline for manipulating the properties of single solid solutions using the HEA design concept, and help develop novel materials with optimal properties that are usable in extreme environments. (Received June 7, 2016; Accepted July 20, 2016)
Key Words
alloy design, high-entropy alloy, microstructure, mechanical property, thermal property
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