Vol.54, No.12, 899 ~ 908, 2016
Title |
Effect of Bonding Pressure and Bonding Time on the Tensile Properties of Cu-Foam / Cu-Plate Diffusion Bonded Joint |
김상호 Sang-ho Kim , 허회준 Hoe-jun Heo , 윤태진 Tae-jin Yoon , 강정윤 Chung-yun Kang |
Abstract |
Open cell Cu foam, which has been widely utilized in various industries because of its high thermal conductivity, lightweight and large surface area, was successfully joined with Cu plate by diffusion bonding. To prevent excessive deformation of the Cu foam during bonding process, the bonding pressure should be lower than 500 kPa at 800 ℃ for 60 min and bonding pressure should be lowered with increasing holding time. The bonding strength was evaluated by tensile tests. The tensile load of joints increased with the bonding pressure and holding time. In the case of higher bonding pressure or time, the bonded length at the interface was usually longer than the cross-sectional length of the foam, so fracture occurred at the foam. For the same reason, base metal (foam) fracture mainly occurred at the node-plate junction rather than in the strut-plate junction because the bonded surface area of the node was relatively larger than that of the strut. †(Received May 4, 2016; Accepted June 2, 2016) |
Key Words |
foams, diffusion bonding, mechanical properties, tensile test, fractograph |