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Vol.54, No.11, 808 ~ 817, 2016
Effect of Strength Coefficient of Bainite on Micromechanical Deformation and Failure Behaviors of Hot-Rolled 590FB Steel during Uniaxial Tension
김은영 Eun-young Kim , 김성일 Sung Il Kim , 최시훈 Shi-hoon Choi
The effect of the strength coefficient (KB) of bainite on micromechanical deformation and failure behaviors of a hot-rolled 590MPa steel (590FB) during uniaxial tension was simulated using the elasto-plastic finite element method (FEM). The spatial distribution of the constituent phases was obtained using a phase identification technique based on optical microstructure. Empirical equations which depend on chemical composition were used to determine the stress-strain relationship of the constituent phases of the 590FB steel. The stress-strain partitioning and failure behavior were analyzed by increasing the KB of bainite. The elasto-plastic FEM results revealed that effective strain in the ferrite-bainite boundaries, and maximum principal stress in fibrous bainite, were enhanced as the  increased. The elasto-plastic FEM results also demonstrated that the KB significantly affects the micromechanical deformation and failure behaviors of the hot-rolled 590FB steel during uniaxial tension. (Received February 2, 2016; Accepted May 19, 2016)
Key Words
ferrite-bainite dual phase steel, metals, deformation, fracture, optical microscopy
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