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Vol.54, No.9, 688 ~ 698, 2016
Effect of Added Ni on the Deposition State of Kinetic Sprayed Al-Ni Composite
김재익 Jae Ick Kim , 이승태 Seung Tae Lee , 이창희 Chang Hee Lee
The liners of shaped charges, a type of weapon, should possess good penetration ability and explosive power. Conventionally this is achieved by fabricating reactive Al-Ni composite layers on the Cu liners, which by themselves have fine penetration ability but poor explosive power. However, there are no studies related to the deposition behavior and interfacial state of a mixed Al-Ni composite applied by kinetic spraying, despite its importance in terms of the effect on reactivity. Thus, this study investigated pure Al and mixed Al-Ni composites that were deposited by kinetic spray process and the effect of Ni on the deposition and interfacial bonding state. The deposition efficiency was degraded by addition of Ni, but the density and bond strength were enhanced with the increase in Ni fraction. The primary cause of the lowered deposition efficiency was insufficient particle velocity, with the intense effect of strain hardening of Ni. However, the tamping effect induced by harder Ni particles contributed to a reduction in pores, and improvement of the interfacial bonding state. (Received March 14, 2016; Accepted April 7, 2016)
Key Words
Al-Ni composite, kinetic spray process, deposition behavior, interfacial state
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