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Vol.54, No.5, 370 ~ 379, 2016
Heat Transfer Model for Continuous Heat Treatment of Metallic Ribbon Wire
김희수 Hee Soo Kim , 이일천 Il Cheon Lee , 김대성 Dae Sung Kim , 장희진 Heejin Jang , 장우양 Woo Yang Jang
This study presents the development of a heat transfer model for the continuous heat treatment of thin metal wires. The cross-section of the wires was regarded as a lumped capacitance system. The final heat transfer equation had the form of a one-dimensional problem. The model included Joule heating of the conducting wire as well as cooling by convection and radiation heat transfers. The model employed temperature-dependent thermophysical properties and yielded results different from the solution with constant properties. Movement of the wire skewed the temperature profile in the moving direction in the heating region. The profiles of electrical resistivity and electrical potential gradient were not uniform in the heating region, resulting in non-uniform heat generation. Also, we tried to estimate the convection heat transfer coefficient, which is not fixed for a material, by comparing the numerical results to the experimental ones. (Received July 28, 2015)
Key Words
wire, rolling, annealing, joule heating, heat transfer
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