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Vol.54, No.5, 313 ~ 322, 2016
Corrosion behavior of die-cast Mg-4Al-2Sn-xCa alloy
Kyung Chul Park , Dae Hyun Cho , Byeong Ho Kim , Kyung Ro Kim , Ik Min Park
In the present work, the effect of Ca additions on microstructure and corrosion characteristics of high pressure die-cast Mg-4Al-2Sn alloy has been investigated. Mg-4Al-2Sn-xCa (x= 0, 0.3 and 0.7wt.%) alloy was prepared by using a high pressure die-casting method. Results indicated that the microstructure of Mg-4Al-2Sn alloy consisted of α-Mg, Mg17Al12 and Mg2Sn phase. With increase of Ca additions, CaMgSn phase was newly formed and grain size was sharply decreased. From the test results, the corrosion resistance of die-cast Mg-4Al-2Sn alloy was significantly improved by Ca addition. It is considered that stabilization of Mg(OH)2 layer and refinements of microstructure with increase of Ca additions. (Received October 14, 2015)
Key Words
metals, casting, corrosion, scanning electron microscopy, SEM
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