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Vol.53, No.11, 761 ~ 770, 2015
Crevice-Corrosion Evaluation of 304 Stainless Steel Pipe Joint for Potable Water System with Chloride Ion Concentration
박선아 Sun Ah Park , 김진호 Jin Ho Kim , 김정구 Jung Gu Kim , 김영호 Yeong Ho Kim
The crevice-corrosion behavior of 304 stainless steel at several chloride concentrations was investigated with two types of specimens: plate and pipe joint. There is a good correlation of crevicecorrosion behavior between the plate specimen and pipe joint specimen. The crevice-corrosion of both specimens initiated when the chloride ion concentration exceeded 200 ppm. Four stages of crevice-corrosion were observed: isolated pits, coalescing pits, crystallographic attack, and polishing attack. Consequently, the critical chloride ion concentration of crevice-corrosion is affected by the intrinsic property of the material.
Key Words
metals, joining, corrosion, image analysis, potable water
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