
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.53, No.2, 82 ~ 90, 2015
Hydrogen Induced Crack and Phase Transformation in Hydrogen Pressured Tensile Test of 316L Stainless Steel
백운봉 Un Bong Baek , 최병학 Byung Hak Choe , 심종헌 Jong Hun Shim , 김영욱 Young Uk Kim , 김영석 Young Suk Kim , 김성수 Sung Soo Kim , 남승훈 Sung Hoon Nam , 홍기용 Key Yong Hong
The aim of this investigation is to prove the mechanism of hydrogen induced crack (HIC) of 316L stainless steels in hydrogen pressured tensile test. Microstructures like twin, planar slip, and abnormal phase transformation around the HIC were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy. Deformation twin accompanied by planar slip could be related to the main cause of HIC in the hydrogen pressured tensile condition, because intragranular HICs were mainly observed along the boundaries of twins and planar slip lines. An abnormal forbidden diffraction was also accompanied by HIC in the hydrogen attacked area. Examination of the HIC mechanism in austenitic stainless steel can be applied to the fitness of use for alloys with the possibility of various susceptible cracks in a hydrogen and stress atmosphere.
Key Words
hydrogen induced crack, stainless steel, deformed twin, planar slip, forbidden diffraction, phase transformation
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