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Vol.53, No.1, 66 ~ 75, 2015
Effects of Cold Working and Heat Treatment on the Thermal Expansion Property of Fe-29%Ni-17%Co Low Thermal Expansion Alloy
이기안 Kee Ahn Lee , 권진한 Jin Han Gwon , 박종혁 Jong Hyuk Park
The changes to thermal expansion and mechanical properties by cold working were investigated in the Fe-29%Ni-17%Co (wt%) low thermal expansion alloy. The Fe-29%Ni-17%Co alloy was cold rolled gradually and prepared for plating with reduction ratios of 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80%. The effect of annealing on the property was also studied. Thermal expansion was measured from 25 ℃ to 600 ℃ using a vacuum differential dilatometer. We found that the thermal expansion coefficient (α30~400) slightly decreased (at a reduction ratio of 20%) and then remarkably increased (above reduction ratios of 40%) with increasing reduction ratios of cold rolling. The thermal expansion coefficient (α30~400) sharply decreased after heat treatment. Yield and tensile strengths continuously increased and elongation decreased by cold rolling. Microstructural observation and XRD analysis results showed that the α phase significantly increased as the reduction ratio increased. The slight decrease of the thermal expansion coefficient below a reduction ratio of 20% could be explained by the destruction of short-range ordering and decrease in grain size. The significant increase in the thermal expansion coefficient with cold rolling attributed to the appearance of the α phase. The correlation between the microstructural cause and invar effect of the low thermal expansion behavior is also discussed. (Received April 7, 2014)
Key Words
alloys, cold working, microstructure, X-ray diffraction, low thermal expansion
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