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Vol.53, No.1, 51 ~ 59, 2015
Selective Separation of Hafnium from Sulfuric Acid Solution Containing Zr by Solvent Extraction with PC88A
민수환 Soo Hwan Min , 이만승 Man Seung Lee
Separation of Zr (IV) and Hf (IV) is very important in the production of these metals for nuclear reactor applications. In this study, the effect of the concentration ratio of Zr to Hf on the selective extraction of Hf using PC88A was investigated in the sulfuric concentration range from 0.5 to 4 M. Hf was selectively extracted over Zr from sulfuric acid solution even at the metal concentration ratio of 100. As the concen- tration of sulfuric acid increased, the extraction percentage of Zr decreased while the separation factor increased. The addition of LIX63 to PC88A enhanced the extraction of Zr and the separation factor was decreased compared to single PC88A. Our results showed that it is possible to develop a process to separate Zr and Hf by selective extraction of Hf from sulfuric acid solution by using PC88A. (Received April 8, 2014)
Key Words
metals, solvent extraction, separation
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