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Vol.53, No.1, 43 ~ 51, 2015
Microstructure of the Nb-Si-B Alloys in the Nb+T2 Region
주수현 Soo Hyun Choo , 김영도 Young Do Kim , 오승탁 Sung Tag Oh , 이성 Seong Lee , 류성수 Sung Soo Ryu , 석명진 Myung Jin Suk
Intermetallic-based materials are interesting for high temperature structural applications because of their good mechanical properties and enhanced oxidation resistance. In this study microstructural examination of the Nb-Si-B alloys at Nb-rich compositions was performed. The Nb-rich corner of the Nb-Si-B system is very attractive because the constituent phases are Nb (a ductile and tough phase with a high melting temperature) and T2 (a very hard intermetallic compound with favorable oxidation resistance), which make a good combination for high temperature structural materials. At compositions lower than 82 at%Nb the microstructure shows the T2 primary phase and eutectic (T2+Nb), while the Nb primary phase and eutectic were formed at higher compositions. Hardness tests (Rockwell A-scale and micro Vickers) were carried out to estimate the optimal composition for good mechanical properties. (Received January 13, 2014)
Key Words
intermetallics, solidification, microstructure, hardness test, T2 phase
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