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Vol.52, No.8, 597 ~ 605, 2014
Effect of Aging Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Mechanical Property of the Weldment of the SA336 F22V Pressure Vessel Steel
김준환 Jun Hwan Kim , 박상규 Sang Gyu Park , 김성호 Sung Ho Kim , 김병훈 Byung Hoon Kim , 김동진 Dong Jin Kim
Abstract: Effect of aging heat treatment was investigated in a the weldment of heavy-sectioned SA335 F22V pressure vessel steel for an advanced fossil power plant. Aging heat treatment was carried out at the 454 ℃ and 482 ℃ up to 10000 hours and then microstructural analysis and mechanical tests, namely tensile and impact tests, were performed. The results showed that aging heat treatment did not affect the microstructure and microhardness of the heat affected zone. Although temper embrittlement around the heat affected zone showing a decrease in toughness and an increase in transition temperature its susceptibility was comparable to that at the base material, which is due to the optimized content of alloying elements like V and P.
Key Words
metals, welding, microstructure, tensile test, F22V
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