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Vol.52, No.8, 573 ~ 581, 2014
Study on Pulsed Current Activated Sintering
손인진 In Jin Shon
Pulsed current activated sintering and spark plasma sintering enhance sinter-ability. The advantage of these processes is that they allow very quick densification to near theoretical density and inhibition of grain growth. Highly dense nanostructured intermetallic compounds, oxides, metal-ceramic composites, high temperature materials and hard materials were produced with a simultaneous application of pressure and a pulsed current within several minutes. The role of the current in sintering or synthesis has been the focus of several studies aimed at explaining enhanced sintering and improved properties. The role played by the current has had various interpretations, with the effect explained in terms of the fast heating rate due to Joule heating, the presence of plasma in pores separating powder particles, and the intrinsic contribution of the current to mass transport.
Key Words
Pulsed current, Nanostructured materials, Sintering, Synthesis
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