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Vol.52, No.7, 549 ~ 557, 2014
Microwave Absorbing Properties of Metamaterials Composed of Electric Ring Resonator and Cut Wire
이세호 Se Ho Lee , 김성수 Sung Soo Kim
Metamaterials composed of an electric ring resonator (ERR) and cut wire (CW) were investigated for thin microwave absorbers in an X-band frequency range of 8-12 GHz. S parameters (reflection S11 and transmission S21) were simulated with a variation of material parameters of the substrate (dielectric constant) and dimensions of periodic conducting elements using commercial simulation software. The anti-symmetric plasmon mode of magnetic resonance was predicted between the ERR-CW conducting pairs from the current density distribution and frequency profile of the S parameters. At the magnetic resonance frequency, reflection loss and transmission loss were minimum, resulting in almost 100% power absorption of the incident electromagnetic wave. It is also verified that the magnetic resonance frequency (therefore, the absorbing frequency band) was inversely proportional to the inductance (L) and capacitance (C) of an equivalent circuit, which was, in turn, influenced by the dimension and material parameters of the ERR-CW metamaterials. †(Received October 22, 2013)
Key Words
Metamaterials, Electric properties, Magnetic materials, Computer simulation, Coating
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