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Vol.52, No.5, 361 ~ 373, 2014
Effect of Deformed Microstructure on Primary Recrystallization Behaviorin Cold Rolled Cu-added Extra Low Carbon Steel
김종석 Jong Seok Kim , 김성일 Sung Il Kim , 최시훈 Shi Hoon Choi
This study investigated the effect of a deformed microstructure in Cu-added bake-hardenable (BH) steel on primary recrystallization during the annealing process. To analyze primary recrystallization behavior in cold-rolled BH steel during annealing, deformed grains were classified by four types. If the average orientation of a unique grain (UG) was made up of a single α-fiber component, the deformed grain was classified as Type I. If the average orientation of the UG was made up of a single γ-fiber component, the deformed grain was classified as Type II. If the average orientations of the UG were made up of multiple γ- fiber components, the deformed grain was classified as Type III. If the average orientation of the UG could not be assigned to α-fiber or γ-fiber components, the deformed grain was classified as Type IV. No recry-stallization in the deformed grains of Type I was observed because the stored energy and misorientation in this type of grain is relatively low compared to the deformed grains of other types. The recrystallization nuclei in deformed grains of Type II were characterized as being composed of γ-fiber (ND//<111>) and random texture components. The recrystallization nuclei in deformed grains of Type III and Type IV mainly consisted of γ-fiber (ND//<111>) and random texture components, respectively. It was found that recry-stallization kinetics in the deformed grain of Type III was similar with those in the deformed grains of Type IV. The relatively low recrystallization kinetics of Type II was due to a low average misorientation in the deformed grains.
Key Words
BH Steel, Cold-Rolled, Annealing, Stored Energy, Recrystallization
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