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Vol.52, No.5, 343 ~ 347, 2014
Mechanochemical Synthesis and Rapid Consolidation of Binderless Nanostructured (Ti,V)C by Pulsed Current Activated Heating and Its Mechanical Properties
In Jin Shon , Hyoung Gon Jo , Han Jung Kwon
Solid-solution nanocrystalline powder, (Ti,V)C, was prepared via high-energy milling of Ti-V alloys with graphite. The synthesis process was investigated in terms of the phase evolution by analyzing XRD data. The rapid sintering of nanostuctured (Ti,V)C hard materials was performed by a pulsed current activated sintering process. This process allows quick densification to near theoretical density and inhibits grain growth. A dense, nanostructured (Ti,V)C hard material with a relative density of up to 100% was produced by simultaneous application of 80 MPa and a pulsed current for 2 min. The microstructure and mechanical properties of the resulting binderless (Ti,V)C were investigated.
Key Words
Sintering, Mechanical properties, Nanostructured material, Fracture toughness, Powder metal-lurgy
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