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Vol.51, No.11, 807 ~ 813, 2013
Formation Behavior of TiNb Nanotubes by Anodization
정은혜 Eun Hye Jung , 정봉용 Bong Yong Jeong
Titanium and titanium alloys have been used extensively as bone-implant materials due to their high strength-to-weight ratio, good biocompatibility and excellent corrosion resistance. In this work, we investigated the surface characteristics of nanotubes formed on Ti25Nb alloys in a 0.1M NaF aqueous electrolyte containing HF using electrochemical methods. The constant voltages were widely applied to a range from 20 to 80 V. As a result, the oxide layers formed with nanotube structures in which the nanotubes increased in a linear diameter and length. The TiNb nanotube morphology was strongly influenced by the fluoride concentration, applied potential and reaction time.
Key Words
anodization, Ti oxide, TiNb, nanotubes, electrochemistry
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