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Vol.51, No.11, 795 ~ 800, 2013
Hot-Dip Aluminizing with Silicon and Magnesium Addition I. Effect on Intermertallic Layer Thickness
Sun Kyu Kim
Medium carbon steel was aluminized with various silicon and magnesium content for selected dipping times. Addition of Si made the shape of the intermetallic layers less irregular than that of the hot-dip aluminizing in pure aluminum. As more Si was added, the thickness of the intermetallic layer became smaller. When Mg was added, the shape of the intermetallic layer was more irregular than that of the Al-Si hot-dip, but less irregular than that of the Al hot-dip. The thickness of the intermetallic layer in hot-dip aluminizing with Mg addition was generally thinner than that obtained in hot-dip aluminizing with pure Al but thicker than that of hot-dip aluminizing with Si addition. The apparent activation energy obtained for the pure Al hot-dip and 1 at% Si-1 at% Mg-Al hot-dip was 82.82 kJ mol.1 and 153.61 kJ mol.1, respectively.
Key Words
hot-dip aluminizing, intermetallics, surface modification, oxidation, optical microscopy
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