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Vol.51, No.5, 341 ~ 349, 2013
Mechanical Properties and Fabrication of Nanostructured ZrO2 from Ball Milled Powders by Pulsed Current Activated Sintering
곽승미 Seung Mi Kwak , 박현국 Hyun Kuk Park , 손인진 In Jin Shon
The effect of high-energy ball milling on sintering, microstructure and mechanical properties of ZrO2 was investigated. The starting temperature of consolidation decreased with high-energy ball milling because the driving force for sintering, and the contact points of powders for atomic diffusion, increased. The mechanical properties (hardness and fracture toughness) and relative density of ZrO2 sintered from high-energy ball milled powder were higher than those of ZrO2 sintered from unmilled powder. A highly dense nanostructured ZrO2 was produced using high-energy ball milled powder with simultaneous application of 80 MPa pressure and pulsed output current of 2800 A within 2 min.
Key Words
compound, nanostructure, sintering, mechanical properties, pulsed current activated combustion
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