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Vol.51, No.4, 251 ~ 258, 2013
Mechanical Properties of a Complex AA1050/AA5052 Aluminum Alloy Fabricated by an ARB Process
이성희 Seong Hee Lee , 김정한 Jung Han Kim
A complex multi-layer AA1050/AA5052 aluminum alloy was fabricated by an accumulative roll-bonding (ARB) process. A two-layer stack ARB was performed up to three cycles at ambient temperature without a lubricant according to the conventional procedure. A sound complex multi-layer AA1050/AA5052 aluminum alloy sheet was successfully fabricated by the ARB process. For further enhancement of the mechanical properties, the ARB-processed complex aluminum alloy sheets were further rolled to about 50% reduction by conventional rolling with the same rolling machine, which resulted in a thickness of just 1 mm. The mechanical properties of the ARBprocessed materials were investigated in detail and compared to the results of previous studies.
Key Words
accumulative roll-bonding, mechanical property, AA1050/AA5052 complex aluminum alloy, rolling conditions
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