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Vol.50, No.12, 907 ~ 912, 2012
The Effect of the Purity of Raw Materials on the Purity of Silicon Extracted by Solvent Refining and Centrifugation
조주영 Ju Young Cho , 서금희 Kum Hee Seo , 강복현 Bok Hyun Kang , 김기영 Ki Young Kim
High purity silicon can be obtained from Al-Si alloys by a combination of solvent refining and centrifugation. Silicon purification by crystallization of silicon from an Al-Si alloy melt was carried out using 2N and 4N purity aluminum and 2N purity silicon as raw materials. The effect of the purity of raw materials on the final silicon ingot purity by centrifugation was investigated for an Al-50 wt% Si alloy. Alloys were melted using an electrical resistance furnace, and then poured into a centrifuging apparatus. A silicon lump like foam was obtained after centrifugation and was leached by an acid in order to get pure silicon flakes. Then silicon flakes were melted to make a silicon ingot using an induction furnace. The purities of the silicon flakes and silicon ingot were enhanced significantly compared to those of the raw materials of silicon and aluminum. The silicon ingot made of 4N aluminum and 2N silicon showed the lowest impurities.
Key Words
alloys, purification, solidification, image analysis, centrifugation, solvent refining
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