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Vol.37, No.12, 1468 ~ 1475, 1999
The Influence of Addition Elements and Two - step Aging Treatment on the Formability of Al-Mg-Si Alloys used for Auto Body Materials
우기도Kee Do Woo,황인오In O Hwang,이종수Jong Soo Lee
The purpose of this study is to develop an Al-0.8%Mg-1.0%Si alloy that combined bake hardenability and formability. A differential scanning calorimeter, transmission electron microscope, tensile test and Erichsen test were employed to investigate bake hardenability and formability of Al-Mg-Si alloys. A new Cr and Be addition Al-Mg-Si alloy which combined bake hardenability and formability has been developed. The bake hardenability and formability of Al-0.8%Mg-1.0%Si was improved by the two step aging treatment(120℃/4hrs→180℃/0.5hrs), and by the complex addition of the 0.1%Cr and 0.057%Be elements. Erichsen value of Al-Mg-Si-Cr-Be alloy is similar to that of Al-Mg-Si alloys, but the strength of Al-Mg-Si-Cr-Be alloy is higher than that of Al-Mg-Si alloys in two step aging treatment(120℃/4hrs→180℃/0.5hrs).
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