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Vol.50, No.8, 563 ~ 569, 2012
Wetting Property and Reflectivity of Sn-3.5Ag Solder by Plating for LED Lead Frame
기세호 Se Ho Kee , 허증봉 Zeng Feng Xu , 김원중 Won Joong Kim , 정재필 Jae Pil Jung
The wetting property and reflectivity of Sn-3.5Ag solder which was dip coated on a LED lead frame were investigated. The wettability of molten solder on Cu substrate was evaluated by the wetting balance tester, and surface tension was calculated from maximum withdrawal force and withdrawal time. Temperature of the molten solder in a bath was varied in the range of 250-290℃. With increasing temperature, the surface tension decreased a little. The reflectivity of Sn-3.5Ag coated on a substrate became a little lower than the highest current LED lead frame reflectivity.
Key Words
Alloys, soldering, wetting, surface roughness, reflectivity
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