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Vol.50, No.7, 531 ~ 539, 2012
A Study on Development of High Strength Al-Zn Based Alloy for Die Casting 2: Evaluation of Fluidity and Gravity Casting
신상수 Sang Soo Shin , 임영훈 Young Hoon Lim , 김억수 Eok Soo Kim , 임경묵 Kyung Mook Lim
In this study, we evaluated the fluidity of the Al-Zn based alloys which exhibit excellent mechanical properties. We conducted computer simulations of fluid flow using the results of DSC, DTA analysis and Javabased Materials Properties software (J. Mat. Pro). Such computer simulations were then compared with the results obtained from experimental observations. The computer simulation results and the experimental results were very similar in fluidity length. It was found that the fluidity length of Al-Zn alloys is improved by increasing the Zn content while decreasing the solidus temperature of an alloy. In addition, we elucidate the effect of Zn addition on variations in different mechanical properties and the microstructure characteristics of (Al-xZn3Cu0.4Si0.3Fe) x=20, 30, 40, and 45 wt% alloys fabricated by gravity casting.
Key Words
Al-Zn alloys, fluidity, gravity casting, high strength, FDM
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