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Vol.50, No.2, 122 ~ 129, 2012
Water Model Experiments of the Mixing Behavior of Polypropylene Particles by Vortex Stirrer
정재용 Jae Yong Jung , 이준호 Joon Ho Lee , 이형철 Hyoung Chul Lee , 기준성 Joon Seong Ki , 황진일 Jin Ill Hwang
Water model experiments were carried out to understand the mixing behavior of reducing agents in molten slag through vortex stirrer, which makes use of a gravitational energy to mix reducing agent in the molten slag without imparting artificial energy. At a water flow rate of 6 L/min vortex was not generated, and a stable vortex was formed when the water flow rate was 7 L/min or higher with the present experimental apparatus. Water level increased linearly with increasing the water flow rate. In the upper vortex region, the vertical and horizontal velocities slightly decreased with increasing the water flow rate, whereas those in the lower vortex region increased remarkably. Accordingly, strong mixing behavior was obtained in the lower vortex region. Owing to the strong centrifugal force, particles move downwards with approaching the funnel wall. When 40 grams of polypropylene particles added to the lower vortex, they were instantaneously mixed well.
Key Words
image analysis, Liquids oxides, recovery, recycling, vortex stirrer
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