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Vol.49, No.11, 910 ~ 916, 2011
Interfacial Reaction on Heat Treatment of Roll-bonded STS304/Al1050/STS439 Clad Materials and its Effect on the Mechanical Properties
송준영 Jun Young Song , 김인규 In Kyu Kim , 이영선 Young Seon Lee , 홍순익 Sun Ig Hong
The microstructures and mechanical properties of roll-bonded STS439/Al1050/STS304 clad materials were investigated after an annealing process at various temperatures. Interfacial layer was developed at the STS439/Al1050 and Al1050/ STS304 interfaces at 550℃. STS439/Al1050/STS304 clad metals fractured suddenly in a single step and the fracture decreased with increasing annealing temperatures at 450℃. After annealing at 550℃, samples fractured in three steps with each layer fracturing independently. Interfacial layers formed at 550℃ with a high Vickers microhardness were found to be brittle. During tensile testing, periodic parallel cracks were observed at the interfacial reaction layer. Observed micro-void between Al1050 and the interfacial layer was found to weaken the Al1050/reaction layer interface, leading to the total separation between Al1050 and the reaction layer.
Key Words
stainless steel, aluminum, clad sheet, interface properties, compound Layer, annealing, mechanical properties
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