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Vol.49, No.11, 905 ~ 910, 2011
Study of Ni/Cu Front Metal Contact Applying Selective Emitter Silicon Solar Cells
이재두 Jae Doo Lee , 권혁용 Hyuk Yong Kwon , 이수홍 Soo Hong Lee
The formation of front metal contact silicon solar cells is required for low cost, low contact resistance to silicon surfaces. One of the available front metal contacts is Ni/Cu plating, which can be mass produced via asimple and inexpensive process. A selective emitter, meanwhile, involves two different doping levels, with higher doping (≤30 Ω/sq) underneath the grid to achieve good ohmic contact and low doping between the grid in order to minimize the heavy doping effect in the emitter. This study describes the formation of a selective emitter and a nickel silicide seed layer for the front metallization of silicon cells. The contacts were thickened by a plated Ni/Cu two-step metallization process on front contacts. The experimental results showed that the Ni layer via SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) and EDX (Energy dispersive Xray spectroscopy) analyses. Finally, a plated Ni/Cu contact solar cell displayed efficiency of 18.10% on a 2×2 cm2, Cz wafer.
Key Words
solar cells, plating, conductivity, scanning electron microscopy(SEM), Ni/Cu front metal
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