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Vol.49, No.11, 831 ~ 839, 2011
Effects of Spangle Size on the Mechanical Properties of Galvanized Steel Sheets
홍문희 Moon Hi Hong , 이주연 Ju Youn Lee , 백두진 Doo Jin Paik
Effects of spangle size and crystallographic characteristics on the surface appearance, galling properties, and adhesive strength of hot-dip galvanized steel sheets have been investigated. Both spangle size and crystallographic orientation measured by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction were identified as critical factors influencing the galvanized coating performance. By decreasing the spangle size, surface appearance and galling properties related to the friction coefficient were significantly improved. However, low temperature adhesive-strength with small spangle galvanized steel sheets showed lower values compared to commercially used galvanized coating. The variation of adhesive strength in terms of spangle size has been clarified.
Key Words
galvanized coating, adhesive strength, fracture surface, spangle size
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