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Vol.49, No.9, 686 ~ 692, 2011
Microstructure and Creep Property of Die-Cast AXE710 Mg Alloy
강문구 Mun Gu Kang , 소태일 Tae Il So , 정화철 Hwa Chul Jung , 신광선 Kwang Seon Shin
To develop creep resistant die-cast Mg alloys, various alloying elements, including Ca, Ce, and Sr, were added to a Mg-Al alloy. The AXE710 alloy was produced on a 320 ton high-pressure die casting machine. The microstructure and creep properties of the alloy were examined. The creep behavior was investigated at 150℃ for stresses ranging from 50 to 100 MPa. The stress exponent was derived from the relationship between normalized secondary creep rates and compensated effective stresses. It was found to be 4.9, indicating that the dislocation climb is a dominant creep mechanism.
Key Words
alloys, casting, microstructure, creep
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