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Vol.49, No.8, 664 ~ 671, 2011
Effect of Interfacial Reaction Layer on Mechanical Properties of 3-ply Mg/Al/STS Clad-metal
김인규 In Kyu Kim , 송준영 Jun Young Song , 이영선 Young Sun Lee , 홍순익 Sun Ig Hong
3-ply Mg/Al/STS clad-metal was fabricated by the roll bonding process. An interfacial reaction layer was formed at the Mg/Al interface at and above 300℃ whereas no interfacial reaction layer was observed up to 400℃. The effect of the interfacial reaction layer on the mechanical and fracture properties in clad metals after heat treatments were investigated The chemical compositions were analyzed at the Mg/Al interface by an Energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX). A tension test was performed to examine the interfacial cracking properties. The Mg layer fractured first, causing a sudden drop of the stress and Al/STS layer continued to deform until the final fracture. Periodic cracks and crack propagation was observed at the reaction layer between Mg and Al.
Key Words
stainless steel, aluminum, magnesium, clad, interface properties, compound Layer, annealing
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