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Vol.49, No.6, 454 ~ 462, 2011
Corrosion Behavior and Microstructural Evolution of Magnesium Powder with Milling Time Prepared by Mechanical Milling
안진우 Jin Woo Ahn , 황대연 Dae Youn Hwang , 김긍호 Gyeung Ho Kim , 김혜성 Hye Sung Kim
In this study, the relationship between corrosion resistance and microstructural characteristics such as grain size reduction, preferred orientation, and homogenous distribution of elements and impurity by mechanical milling of magnesium powder was investigated. Mechanical milling of pure magnesium powder exhibited a complex path to grain refinement and growth together with preferred orientation reversal with milling time. It was also found that anisotropic formation of dislocation on the basal plane of magnesium was initially the dominant mechanism for grain size reduction. After 60 hrs of milling, grain coarsening was observed and interpreted as a result of the strain relaxation process through recrystallization. In spite of the finer grain size and strong (002) texture developed in the sample prepared by spark plasma sintering at 500℃ for 5 min after mechanical milling for 2hrs, the sample showed a higher corrosion rate. The results from this study will be helpful for better understanding of the controlling factor for corrosion resistance and behaviors of mechanical milled magnesium powders.
Key Words
metals, mechanical alloying/milling, corrosion, transmission electron microscopy, TEM
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