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Vol.49, No.5, 374 ~ 380, 2011
Mechanical Properties and Fabrication of Nanostructured Ti3Al-Al2O3 Composite from Mechanically Synthesized Powders by Pulsed Current Activated Sintering
손인진 In Jin Shon , 왕희지 Hee Ji Wang , 서창열 Chang Yul Suh , 조성욱 Sung Wook Cho , 김원백 Won Baek Kim
Nano-powders of Ti3Al and 2(Al2O3) were synthesized from 3Ti(O2) and 5Al powders by high energy ball milling. A nanocrystalline Al2O3 reinforced composite was consolidated by pulsed current activated sintering within 2 minutes from mechanochemically synthesized powders of Al2O3 and Ti3Al. Nanocrystalline materials, have received much attention as advanced engineering materials due to their improved physical and mechanical properties. The relative density of the composite was 99.5%. The average obtained hardness and fracture toughness values were 1510 kg/mm2 and 9 MPa·m1/2, respectively.
Key Words
compound, nanostructure, sintering, mechanical properties
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