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Vol.49, No.4, 275 ~ 281, 2011
Reliability Prediction of Long-term Creep Strength of Gr. 91 Steel for Next Generation Reactor Structure Materials
김우곤 Woo Gon Kim , 박재영 Jae Young Park , 윤송남 Song Nan Yin , 김대환 Dae Whan Kim , 박지연 Ji Yeon Park , 김선진 Seon Jin Kim
This paper focuses on reliability prediction of long-term creep strength for Modified 9Cr-1Mo steel (Gr. 91) which is considered as one of the structural materials of next generation reactor systems. A “Z-parameter” method was introduced to describe the magnitude of standard deviation of creep rupture data to the master curve which can be plotted by log stress vs. The larson-Miller parameter (LMP). Statistical analysis showed that the scattering of the Z-parameter for the Gr. 91 steel well followed normal distribution. Using this normal distribution of the Z-parameter, the various reliability curves for creep strength design, such as stress-time temperature parameter reliability curves (σ-TTP-R curves), stress-rupture time-reliability curves (σ-tr-R curves), and allowable stress-temperature- reliability curves ([σ]-T-R curves) were reasonably drawn, and their results are discussed.
Key Words
creep, creep strength, Z-parameter, Larson-Miller parameter, Gr.91 steel
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