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Vol.49, No.2, 153 ~ 161, 2011
Atmospheric Oxidation of Fe-16Cr-6Ni-6Mn-1.7Mo Stainless Steel between 700 and 900℃
이동복 Dong Bok Lee
The AISI 216L stainless steel with a composition of Fe-16Cr-6Ni-6Mn-1.7Mo (wt.%) was oxidized at 700~900℃ in air for 100 h. At 700℃, a thin Mn1.5Cr1.5O4 oxide layer with a thickness of 0.4 μm formed. At 800℃, an outer thin Fe2O3 oxide layer and a thick inner FeCr2O4 oxide layer with a total thickness of 30 μm formed. The non-adherent scale formed at 800oC was susceptible to cracking. At 900℃, an outer thin Fe2O3 oxide layer and a thick inner Mn1.5Cr1.5O4 oxide layer formed, whose total thickness was 10~15 μm. The scales formed at 900℃ were non-adherent and susceptible to cracking. 216 L stainless steel oxidized faster than 316 L stainless steel, owing to the increment of the Mn content and the decrement of Ni content.
Key Words
metals, hot working, oxidation, thermal analysis, 216 L stainless steel
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