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Vol.49, No.2, 93 ~ 104, 2011
High Temperature Precipitation Behavior of High-Nitrogen Duplex Stainless Steel
김성준 Sung Joon Kim , 이태호 Tae Ho Lee , 김성태 Sung Tae Kim , 박용호 Yong Ho Park , 배종인 Jong In Bae , 하헌영 Heon Young Ha
Precipitation behavior of high-nitrogen duplex Fe-24Cr-7Mn-4Ni-4Mo-0.43N stainless steel aged at 850℃ was investigated using scanning transmission electron microscopy. Based on the analyses of selected area diffraction patterns, four kinds of precipitates (intermetallic sigma (σ) and chi (χ), Cr2N and secondary austenite) were identified. At the ferrite/austenite phase boundary, the σ phase and secondary austenite were formed via α→γ + σ eutectoid reaction. The precipitation of Cr2N occurred at the austenite grain boundary as well as the interior of the ferrite. The intermetallic χ phase also formed within the ferrite and showed a cube-cube orientation relationship with the ferrite. Further aging produced a lamellar structure composed of Cr2N and austenite along the ferrite/austenite boundary and enhanced the precipitation of the χ phase. The crystallographic features of the precipitates were also examined in terms of the orientation relationship with the austenite or ferrite matrix.
Key Words
alloys, aging, precipitation, transmission electron microscopy, TEM, high-nitrogen duplex stainless steel
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