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Vol.48, No.11, 1009 ~ 1014, 2010
Rapid Sintering of Nanostuctured Tungsten Carbide by High-Frequency Induction Heating and its Mechanical Properties
손인진 In Jin Shon , 고인용 In Yong Ko , 홍경태 Kyung Tae Hong , 도정만 Jung Mann Doh , 강현수 Hyun Su Kang
Extremely dense WC with a relative density of up to 99% was obtained within five minutes under a pressure of 80 MPa using the High-Frequency Induction Heated Sintering method. The average grain size of the WC was about 71 nm. The advantage of this process is not only rapid densification to obtain a neartheoretical density but also the prohibition of grain growth in nano-structured materials. The hardness and fracture toughness of the dense WC produced by HFIHS were 2660 kg·mm?2 and 7.2 MPa·m1/2, respectively.
Key Words
nanostructured materials, powder metallurgy, mechanical properties, sintering, high-frequency induction heated sintering
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