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Vol.48, No.10, 907 ~ 914, 2010
Effect of the Arc Furnace Manufacturing Process, Blast Furnace Manufacturing Process, and Carbon Content on the High-temperature Oxidation of Hot-rolled Steel between 650 and 900℃
김민정 Min Jung Kim , 이동복 Dong Bok Lee , 백선필 Seon Pil Baek
Hot-rolled steel plates of SPHC and SS400 were oxidized at 600, 750 and 900℃ for 2 hr in air. With an increase in the oxidation temperature, their oxidation rates increased, and this was accompanied by the formation of pores and cracks in the thickened oxide scales, which were non-adherent. SPHC steels manufactured by either an arc furnace or a blast furnace displayed similar oxidation rates, indicating that their oxidation rates were insensitive to the manufacturing process. Medium-carbon SS400 steel displayed somewhat faster oxidation rates than low-carbon SS400 steel, indicating that the carbon content did not significantly influence the oxidation rates.
Key Words
Oxidation, hot-rolled steel, carbon, blast furnace, arc furnace
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