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Vol.48, No.8, 757 ~ 765, 2010
Effects of Gelatin Additives on the Microstructures and Corrosion Properties of Electrodeposited Cu Thin Films
김민호 Min Ho Kim , 차희령 Hee Ryoung Cha , 최창순 Chang Soon Choi , 김혜성 Hae Sung Kim , 이동윤 Dong Yun Lee
We report on the effect of additives on the microstructure and corrosion properties of electrodeposited Cu films. Copper films were fabricated by electrodeposition on various concentrations of gelatin in a copper sulfate electrolyte. The surface morphologies of the Cu films were observed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM), and crystal orientation of the Cu films was analyzed by X-ray diffraction measurement. (220) plane was the dominant orientation when the films were fabricated at ambient temperature, decreasing in dominance with addition of gelatin. On the other hand, (111) plane-Cu films were preferentially grown at 40℃, and were also diminished with adding additives. Corrosion rate measurements using the Tafel extrapolation method based on corrosion potential and current reveal the effect of additives on corrosion behavior. Corrosion behavior was found to be strongly related to the orientation of the films. Consequently, additives like gelatin influence crystal orientation of the films, and if a less dense crystal plane, e.g. (220), is preferentially oriented during electrodeposition, a lower corrosion rate could be produced, since the plane shows a lower current density.
Key Words
thin film, electrodeposition, additives, X-ray diffraction, corrosion
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