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Vol.48, No.8, 717 ~ 724, 2010
Evaluation of Hydride Effect on Fuel Cladding Degradation
김현길 Hyun Gil Kim , 김일현 Il Hyun Kim , 박상윤 Sang Yoon Park , 박정용 Jeong Yong Park , 정용환 Yong Hwan Jeong
The degradation behavior of fuel cladding is a very import concern in nuclear power generation, because the operation of nuclear plants can be limited by fuel cladding degradation. In order to evaluate the hydride effect on failure of zirconium fuel claddings, a ring tensile test for the circumferential direction was carried out at room temperature for claddings having different hydride characteristics such as density and orientation; microstructural evaluation was also performed for those claddings. The circumferential failure of the claddings was promoted by increasing the hydride concentration in the matrix; however, the failure of the claddings was affected by the hydride orientation rather than by the hydride concentration in the matrix. From fracture surface observation, the cladding failure during the ring tensile test was matched with the hydride orientation.
Key Words
metals, deformation, microstructure, tensile test, nuclear
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