Research Paper / Electronic Magnetic & Optical Materials : Analysis on the Behavior of Magnetic Field for an Amorphous Choke Core in PFC Circuit
김병걸Byung Geol Kim
A computer simulation was carried out to investigate the behavior of magnetic field and eddy current properties using FLUX2D on an amorphous choke core. Magnetostatics analysis shows that a flux was gradually increased with forward to inner edge.(No.4→No.10) This is due to the decrease of magnetic path length with forward to inner edge. The existence of gap in magnetic path caused the flux to scatter outside the core. A flux density was lowered inside the core and relatively high on both sides of edge. Two types of the flux density behavior were detected at the gap and 5㎜ above and below from the gap center position, where it had a similar pattern inside the core and extremely different tendency on both sides of edge. Magnetodynamics analysis at the frequency of 30㎑ revealed that eddy currents were concentrated on both sides of edge and near the gap, but almost cancelled out inside the core. The flux density induced by the eddy currents showed almost a similar behavior. This can be interpreted that the eddy currents formed at each shell inside the core were cancelled out each other, while those on both sides of edge and near the gap remain alive.