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Vol.37, No.11, 1399 ~ 1407, 1999
Research Paper / Environment : Effects of Fe and Mn Addition on Precipitation and Corrosion Characteristics of Zirconium Alloys
김현길H . G . Kim,이명호M . H . Lee,박상윤S . Y . Park,정용환Y . H . Jeong,위명용M . Y . Wey
In order to Investigate the effects of Fe and Mn on the precipitate and corrosion characteristics of Zr based alloys for nuclear fuel cladding, autoclave corrosion tests on the ternary(Zr-0.8Sn-X) alloys have been carried out at 360℃. The corrosion behavior of Zr-Sn-Fe alloy showed the cubic corrosion rate in the pre-transition region and the linear corrosion rate in the post-transition region. The good corrosion resistance in Zr-Sn-Fe alloy system was observed in Fe contents more than 0.2 wt%. The corrosion behavior of Zr-Sn-Mn alloy was significantly accelerated from the early stage. The lowest weight gain was observed in 0.2 wt% Mn. Based on the precipitate anallysis by TEM, it is thought that the corrosion of Zr-alloys would be related to the size of precipitate.
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