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Vol.37, No.11, 1318 ~ 1324, 1999
Research Paper / Mechanical Behavior : High Load Sliding Wear Behavior of Fe-Base NOREM 02 Hardfacing Alloy
최세종Se Jong Choi,최진호Jin Ho Choi,김준기Jun Ki Kim,김학수Hak Su Kim,문주현Ju Hyun Mun,이덕현Duck Hyun Lee,김선진Seon Jin Kim
The effects of temperature, contact stress, and environment on the sliding wear behavior of Fe-base NOREM 02 hardfacing alloy was investigated. At room temperature in air, NOREM 02 did not show galling even up to the contact stress of 30ksi owing to its low stacking fault energy and γ → α` strain-induced phase transformation. At 300℃ in air, however, NOREM 02 showed galling even under the contact stress of 15ksi. It was considered to be due to the increase of stacking fault energy with temperature and undevelopment of strain-induced phase transformation. In the mean time, it was confirmed that water environment increases the wear resistance of NOREM 02 owing to the lubrication effect and enhancing effect on the formation of Fe-oxide layers which prevent direct metal-to-metal contact between asperities.
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