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Vol.48, No.6, 581 ~ 588, 2010
Effect of Aspect Ratio on Percolation Structure of Two-Phase Composites with Conductivity
신순기 Soon Gi Shin , 이성룡 Sung Riong Lee
Two-dimensional computer simulations were conducted on a percolation structure in which the second phases of various aspect ratios were arranged in a lattice (matrix). The second phases were randomly arranged in an array with two different computational programs, one prohibiting an overlap among the second phases and the other allowing the overlap. From the simulation prohibiting the overlap, we predicted that a complete path was formed at smaller amounts of thesecond phase with higher aspect ratios. In the simulation allowing the overlap, a complete path throughout the array was formed by arranging the second phase of an aspect ratio of 1, 5, 20, 100 with less than 59%, 43%, 19%, 4% in the array, respectively. These results agreed with the completion path formation in filament-winded CP-GFRP composites consisting of an insulator matrix (vinyl ester) and electrically conductive graphite additives.
Key Words
composites, powder processing, electrical properties, computer simulation, percolation structure
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